Love Save Pneumoconiosis
About Us
Love Save Pneumoconiosis isa charityfoundation devoted to helping and treating the 6 million Chineserural migrantworkers suffering from pneumoconiosis, a devastating lungdisease. Thefoundation grew out of an initiative started on June 15, 2011 bythe prominentinvestigative journalist Keqin Wang in collaboration with ChinaSocialAssistance Foundation. Our aims are to provide medical treatmentfor ruralmigrants suffering from this disease, offer financial or otherrelated supportto their family to help them reach a better living condition,increase publicawareness of black lung and its prevention, and advocatestricter safetyregulations for culpable industries. Our long-term goal is tocompletelyeliminate this disease and social problems caused by it inChina.
Pneumoconiosis and Rural Migrant Workers
Pneumoconiosis is an incurable lung diseasethat requiresconstant medical treatment. It is caused by inhaling largequantities of industrial dust over an extended period of time,which results inpulmonary fibrosis anddamage to internal organs. The lungs become sclerotic,turning hard as stone.Breathing and moving becomes extremely difficult, whichmakes it hard forthe patient to perform any physically demanding labor. Insomecases, even simple daily routines are too strenuous. Many people eventually die from suffocationasthe disease worsens.
In China, among alloccupational diseases,pneumoconiosis accounts for 90% of thepatient population. Meanwhile, 90% ofthose afflicted are from ruralregistered residences. Most of them areimpoverished farmers who mustperform risky labor to support themselves andtheir families. Expertsestimate this population is above 6 million, with amortality rate as high as22.04%. In order to alleviate the pain in their lungs,some of them have tokneel down to breathe at the final stage of their lives.The disproportionatelyaffected rural people are living in the lowest rung ofsociety. They are in ahopeless and helpless situation.
Pneumoconiosis isan occupational disease,which is highly related to working without adequateprotection in dustyworkplaces. The employer should be held fullyaccountable. However, only a fewcompanies are willing to provide sufficientsafety measures to prevent thedisease, or take responsibility for sickemployees. A lot of workers are notaware of the disease, or don't often signlabor contracts. All of these factorsmake pneumoconiosis among rural migrantworkers as one of the most essentialsocial issue in China nowadays.
Our Mission
Humanitarianism. Awe and love for life.
Providemedical and living support to therural migrants suffering pneumoconiosis, whoare poor and sick, short oftherapeutic services and supplies, under the threatof death.
Useall the communication methods andplatform to make pneumoconiosis widely knownand prevent new cases.
Tohelp the government to perform emissionsource treatment, to perfect relevantpolicies, and eliminate this socialproblem.
Short-termGoals: 2014-2018
To improve the professional standards andaccountability. Toset a support system center on 8 modules: lifesaving,education, financial aid,mental help, rehabilitation, job support, medicalinstruments, databasebuilding.
To promote with all directions. To let 1/5of all ruralcitizens knows about “pneumoconiosis”.
To promote system construction, keepstudying on the topic;gather deputies and experts to improve policies. Tocooperate with localgovernments on supporting rural migrants suffering frompneumoconiosis andpreventing pneumoconiosis.
Tomotivate government to solve the livingsecurity for all Chinese rural migrantssuffering from pneumoconiosis. Tomotivate perfecting policies setting andenforcement, prevent pneumoconiosiswith nationalpolicies.
Toeliminate pneumoconiosis, in 100 years inChina.
What we do
In order to accomplish our mission, wedivide our work infour parts: treatment and support, promotion, donationraising and policypromoting.
Love Save Pneumoconiosis –Treatment andSupport
Treatment and Support for Chinese ruralmigrant workerssuffering from pneumoconiosis are the base of our work.
Basic treatments
To provide the patients achance to behospitalized in professional hospitals with our financial supportup to 10,000RMB.
Medical instruments
To provide oxygenator topatients who arehaving difficulty breathing.
To provide rehabilitationservices forpatients.
To build specificrehabilitation centerswith governments, hospital or other organizations, toprovide professionalsustainable rehabilitating service.
Mental Care
To provide psychological helpfor patients.
Educational Support
To provide tuition for patient’s children.
Job Support
To support rural patientfamilies to starttheir own business, such as farming, handcrafts, etc.
Love Save Pneumoconiosis –Promotion
Promotion is the engine of our work. Onlywith promotion canwe gather more social supports for our services. Meanwhile,with promotion, weare trying to get more people to know about pneumoconiosis,to prevent thedisease.
In this part of work, we raise concernsabout Pneumoconiosisand rural migrants issues among Chinese with differentmethods, such as –traditional media reports, new media activities, events, andadvertisements.
Love Save Pneumoconiosis –Policy Promotingand Government Cooperation
We know that only by improving the policysystem, can theproblems related to pneumoconiosis and rural migrants be solved.We canstudy this topic, cooperate withthegovernments, propose meetings and practice other actions to promote thepolicyimprovement.
Domestic Research
In 2014, we came up with thefirst researchon “Living conditions of rural migrants suffering frompneumoconiosis in China”.Since then, we did one research project each year onthe topic to know moreabout the social background and where the problems are.Hence, we can providebetter solutions.
International policies research
Pneumoconiosis is a globalsocial problem.However, there are some countries that have developed someexcellent pathway tosolve it. In 2016, we collected the history and policiesrelated topneumoconiosis among Hong Kong, Spain, Australia, U.S.A and Canada.Since then,we did one research related to global efforts on resolving theissue each year.
Discussion and Seminars
To provide professionalsuggestions, wegather experts and deputies of the Two Sessions to discuss thissocial issue. Wehold a meeting before the Two Session each year in March tomobilize thedeputies to purpose valuable proposals on this topic.
Proposals for NPC & CPPCC
We compose proposals towardsthe topic withdeputies. This is the way we convey our ideas directly torelevant nationaldepartments.
Cooperation with local governments
We cooperate with localgovernments to takecare of these social problems in one specific area. We havealready hadcooperation with several local governments.
We are happy to see that more and morepolicies andgovernments’ documents related to the topic released these years.January 20th,2016, a document titled “Opinions on strengthening the work onprevention andcontrol of rural migrants’ pneumoconiosis” issued by 10 nationalministries andcommissions was published. The document became a milestone onthis socialissue. This is the first time that “pneumoconiosis” and “ruralmigrants” appearat the same time in a federal document.
Love Save Pneumoconiosis –DonationRaising
inancial capacity is the guarantee of allaforementionedmethods work. It is essential for a charity foundation.
In our organization, our financial resourcecomes mainly fromcrowdfunding. Meanwhile, we are happy to receive somecompanies’ support andgovernment’s financial help.
After raising funds, wemaintain open andtransparent methods to show the public how we utilize thedonations. all rights reserved 京ICP备18062355号-1 京公网安备11010802035461号